Save the empire

imperial talisman for good fortune and prosperity

The Imperial amulet is a popular amulet that, when used properly, is effective. The owner began to experience an improvement in his life after earning this amulet.

A talisman is a coin that circulates in a particular historical period, which is charged with the power of prayer and is said to a certain person. Its main task is to bring wealth to its owner.

What the amulet is made of

Imperial savings are made from old coins that are already circulating, you can use any metal coin. They must be obtained in an honest manner, that is, they cannot be stolen, do not pay low-quality jobs, and even previously were not kept by people with bad thoughts. Such a coin already has a lot of negative energy, and will not be able to fulfill its saving function.

Who needs amulets

Imperial Talisman will be very useful in the following situations:

  • when there is an urgent need to increase your income;
  • serious competitors have emerged;
  • there is a decline in business;
  • disputes have arisen in business;
  • encounters unexpected money problems and starts recurring regularly;
  • decreased performance and fatigue.

Save Imperial Welfare and Wealth solves this problem easily.

Save action

Save in the form of coins attracts material wealth, success, prosperity, fortune and positive energy to its owners. Wearing it contributes to:

  • successful career growth;
  • refund given in debt;
  • salary increases;
  • business prosperity;
  • good results with various money deposits;
  • receiving unexpected money while receiving an estate and winning the lottery.

This gives the wearer more confidence in their abilities. He will be able to achieve his goals more productively and successfully defend his own interests. People who help appear in his life, working with them causes an increase in income. There are opportunities to make interesting deals and other interesting prospects.

Save Ownership Rules

You can not tell anyone about its existence, not even your closest people and business partners. It should not be given or given to others to use, or just touch it. You cannot boast to others that wealth has increased and good fortune has come. Especially do not compare it in front of others with the presence of government savings.

You should keep the talisman clean, so it is advisable to buy a special glove for it that fits the size. It is best to bring it with you at all times.

Saving itself requires energy supply, so you need to ask for help from time to time, holding it in your hand at the same time. The best time for this is in the evening, when the secondary thoughts are gone and the main ones are still there. This makes it possible to fill the imperial amulet with energy, which will then be spent to ensure the well-being of its owner.

Sincere faith in it gives added strength to the action of amulets. He can only affect the lives of honest people. You cannot expect immediate solutions to all problems and rely only on austerity measures. Success will come to its owner only if he himself strives to do this. It is permissible to transfer such savings by inheritance.

How to clean and charge savings

Initially, the talisman must be fascinated by the white witch. On the coin, he uttered the sacred words, which he knew himself. But over time, the magical nature of the amulet may disappear, and it needs to be refilled. This can be done by the owner of the amulet itself, performing a ceremony on it to neutralize the negative energy accumulated in him.

In order to save the empire to please its owner with the fulfillment of his desires, it must be cleaned and refilled. At the same time, he seems to be gaining new strength. There is a joint energy exchange.

There are various ways to perform these rituals. One can separate the ceremonies of the Sun, which are performed in the spring or summer. It must be done on a sunny day in the early morning. You should first prepare a solution of salt in water and add a little vinegar to it. This cleaning solution should be poured on government savings, cleaning up dirt and collecting negative energy from it.

Then place on a flat flat surface. Turn around every two hours until about noon. The peak of activation occurs at four o'clock. After that, the coin should be taken in the hand, out with it to the street and turn north. Lift the talisman until it radiates from the sun. Inhale and exhale slowly. This type of imperial amulet activation ceremony is the most demanded, as it does not require special difficulties.

There are other options as well. For example, the activation ceremony is held at night in the middle of the week from Wednesday to Thursday. To do this, you need to light a candle. Place the amulet on a horizontal surface, on a red cloth or red cloth until the moonlight shines. Then you have to apply your thinking. Imagine the purpose of a talisman can help. Ask God for help in your prayers to save energy for this. After the ceremony, wrap the amulet with a cloth and place it under your pillow. In the morning it should be put in your wallet.

How to make amulets with your own hands

This requires the purchase of a suitable coin.

Save your own hand-made empire is great. To do this, you must follow the mandatory rules. In particular, the exact day should be chosen at the planned time to complete the plan.

To attract financial success in business, you need to choose midweek, especially Wednesday. If a career is important, then Sunday is ideal for this, as today is in the shade of the Sun. Very suitable if Sunday coincides with the full moon. The waxing moon phase is also appropriate.

You need to take care of the atmosphere around you. The atmosphere should be calm and peaceful. To relax, you can play relaxing music and scented candles.

You should listen to your thoughts. All negatives must be discarded and replaced with positive ones. It is important to think about what effect you want to get from the savings. One should not be distracted by extraordinary thoughts. There should be a feeling of happiness and a sense of well-being. You have to visualize your life in detail, once the amulet will show its protection.

If the coin is worn around the neck or as a key ring on the wrist, you can make a hole in the middle. But this is not mandatory. You can also tie coins with red thread. So the coin activation ceremony must be performed. This action should be done in complete loneliness, without involving close people you trust. After that, he became a personal amulet designed to bring luck and success in all things.

While making your own amulets, some of the energy will be expended. You can fill it by drinking a strong cup of coffee and eating a piece of dark chocolate.